Thursday, August 31, 2006

Expain, inn compete sentences, how a latent image in the emulsion becomes a real negative.

Include all of the names of the chemicals and what they do:

Developer (HC-110)

    • Makes latent image appear
    • TIme depends in tempature

Stop Bath

  • Stops developing process
  • Agitate for 15 seconds
  • recycle or dump

Fixer (Rapid)

  • New Fixer - Agitate for 2 min sit for 2

Friday, August 25, 2006

List at least two that are essential for photojournalism that the camera obsura could not do:

  • The Focus and Lighting

Explain what an Emulsion is how it forms an image

  • EMULSION- soild it sticks together that magnets.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

What are the Essential woking parts of a modern camera body? The Essential working parts of a camera are the:
  • The Main Switch
  • Shutter Release Button
  • Shutter Dial
  • Shutter Dial Lock Button
  • Drive Mode Dial
  • Electronic Compensation Button
  • Mid-roll rewind Button

Friday, August 18, 2006